Friday, October 23, 2009

Day 10 Eureka, NV to Pancake Summit, NV

I came up with a new game plan today. The next town and place to get food and water is too many miles away for one day of riding, so my plan is to break it up, into 2 days of riding. Since I will be rough camping tonight, (photo above) beside the road and in this case in a little ditch just out of sight of oncoming traffic, there is no need to get there much before dark. So I stayed in the nice town of Eureka, NV until late afternoon and relaxed, then biked a few hours until sunset and found a place to call home for the night. An hour or two before setting up camp I met Charles, who is from England and also on a bike trip, but going west. We must have talked for over an hour. I told him what to expect coming up and he did the same to me. It is always great to meet people who are also travelling by bike and very helpful as well. I find that even after a dozen bike trips that I've taken, that I'am still learning new tricks of the trade from others. You always talked about where to camp, where to get food and water, and of course you talk about the road that lies ahead and how many more mountain passes you must climb. Charles, started biking early in the summer from Florida to Boston to Quebec to Nevada, and is going to finish in San Francisco in a few weeks.

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