Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day 21 Escalante, UT to Grover, UT

Today, just might have been my hardest day ever, on a bicycle. The terrain today was so steep and for miles and miles. To give you an idea for example, today's ride had 2 climbs at 14% grade at over 8 miles each. Ok, 14% grade is just crazy steep. I don't even think Lance Armstrong climbs 14% grades in the Tour de France. A normal mountain passes grade is anywhere from 3% to 6%. I was pedalling as hard as I could and my speed was 4.7 mph. Then I got off the bike, and walked it up the climb at 4.1 mph. So, I did the math. Less than 1 mph difference, and I was in pain doing it. Yes, I ended up walking a lot of today, it seemed like miles but time does go by slow as you are climbing Mount Everest, or so it seemed. Today's climbing went on from 9 in the morning to 4:30 in the afternoon. A long day of suffering, but pain is short, I keep telling myself and the scenery is just awesome. Today's route is on Hwy 12, a scenic byway and one of AAA's 10 most beautiful roads in America. I don't think AAA thought much about doing it on a bicycle! After getting over a section called "The Hogback", I found a state campground to spend the night. Just as I was arriving, so were the dark clouds and rain. Well, when it rains it pours! I set up camp and eat dinner the best I could, just happy not to be climbing mountains still. Rest up Old Man!

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